Karen Robinson

Lead Specialist Advisor for Marine Habitats
Natural Resources Wales

Karen Robinson is the lead specialist advisor for marine habitats at Natural Resources Wales, working in the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Team. Karen has a background in benthic ecology and is currently responsible for developing NRW’s evidence to support advice on marine habitats across multiple disciplines ranging from climate change to strategic-level casework. Over the past 15 years she has led a number of projects on pressures and impacts of climate change on marine habitats in Wales, including an assessment of climate-driven impacts on marine Special Areas of Conservation, and an evaluation of blue carbon stores within the Welsh marine area. Karen is a member of the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) steering group and has been part of the working group responsible for development and publication of the 2020 MCCIP report card. She has contributed to various adaptation reports and recently co-authored a summary report of climate change impacts on the marine environment in Wales.