Professor Dave Worsley

Head of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Director
Swansea University, SPECIFIC® Innovation & Knowledge Centre

Professor Dave Worsley leads several national and international consortium projects at Swansea University supporting the transformation of industry to a lower carbon future. To date he has led the development of over £120M investment in collaborative training, research and innovation.

With the UK construction industry accounting for 60% of all materials used, buildings emitting up to 40% of carbon emissions and a global push towards electric vehicle adoption, de-carbonising the materials supply chain for buildings and transport is essential. 

To meet the 21st century steel agenda, Dave created the Steels and Metals Institute and SUSTAIN. Both are supporting UK steel producers to achieve the UK Steel Industry’s 2050 decarbonisation targets.

In 2011 he led the creation of SPECIFIC®  Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) a consortium of partners from industry, academia and government working together to develop the concept of Active Buildings®SUNRISE was added to the Portfolio to take the concept overseas to rural Indian communities.

With the ‘bigger picture’ in mind, Dave has advocated the installation of electric charging mechanisms into the Active Building® design, providing enough spare electricity to power his EV to commute over 36,000 miles using the sun.