Ogi - a future digital Wales banner

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A future digital Wales


Wales’s leading homegrown internet provider Ogi and the city’s leading tech incubator Tramshed Tech are hosting A future digital Wales, at Hodge House, Cardiff on Thursday 20th April, 6pm.


Together, they are bringing the very best of Wales together with a panel of expert business speakers to discuss the importance of digital infrastructure to the future Welsh economy – and how crucial digital inclusion and skills are to our future prosperity.


On a mission to bring Gigabit-capable connectivity to communities across south Wales, Ogi is investing millions to bring much needed speed and resilience to Wales’s digital infrastructure.


With the recent launch of Ogi Pro, and an announcement to install a bespoke B2B full fibre network in Cardiff, attention is focussed on ensuring growing businesses are able to become truly unstoppable when they join the UK’s fastest full fibre network, from which Ogi’s partners at Tramshed Tech already proudly benefit.


Our ‘Future digital Wales’ event will include:

  • Panel discussion featuring Siâan Doyle (Chief Executive, S4C), Matthew Turner (Head of Operations, Cyber Innovation Hub), Sarah Williams-Gardner (CEO, Fintech Wales) and Cai Gwinnutt (Chief Technology Officer, Tramshed Tech)

  • Question and answer session

  • Hosted by Dot Davies, BBC Wales

  • Complimentary drinks and refreshments


Registration is now closed, as the event is fully booked



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