This National Conversation in Summer 2024 will focus on the opportunities, challenges, and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for education in Wales. 

AI is a hot topic of conversation across the world – and its potential to change education is a key part of that. From the promise of innovation and efficiencies to support schools and settings, to the very real considerations around privacy, bias, and well-being, AI tools are poised to profoundly affect the way we learn, work and live.

This National Network Conversation will focus on the particular opportunities and challenges presented by Generative AI tools. It will provide a forum for practitioners across Wales to discuss and consider the implications of these tools in their own work and in the classroom.

The conversation is aimed at all school leaders, practitioners, governors and support staff with an interest in how artificial intelligence will increasingly impact upon the education system.

Event Programme

Time Programme (please note, timings may change)
9:00 Registration, tea/coffee and networking
10:00 Welcome and event overview
10:45 Keynote speaker
11:15 Morning break
11:45 Breakout 1
12:45 Lunch
13:15 Breakout 2
14:30 Feedback and panel discussion
15:15 Closing remarks



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