We've moved to a new site this year.
For Wales Climate Week 2023, please click here!

Join Wales’ Climate Pledge Campaign

Over the last year, organisations, stakeholders and people from across Wales have responded to Wales’ Pledge campaign. Pledges made through this campaign will form the important seeds of action for taking forward our new Net Zero Wales plan which was published on 28 October 2021.

The campaign aims to galvanise action within Wales to tackle the climate emergency. The types of pledges are not restricted and can be made via individuals, groups or organisations across all sectors. Pledges only need to feature a sentence or short paragraph identifying actions you will pledge to take in order to join the collective response to the climate change emergency.

To learn more, review the Working Together to Reach Net Zero doc which provides further guidance on the Pledge campaign and examples of pledges.

So please make your pledge and ask others to take action and make their own pledge by visiting https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/rx0po/.